“In the short run, the market is a voting machine but in the long run, it is a weighing machine.” Benjamin Graham (father of value investing) This is not a time for relatives. Don’t worry, Mom, we aren’t referring to family. We mean that justifying an investment based on its attractiveness relative to the prices...Read More
“…the most dramatic thing that’s almost ever happened in the entire world history of finance.” – Charlie Munger when discussing the current stock market environment. There is a saying in the investment world, “You might know when you are in an investment bubble but still have no clue when or how it pops.” As we...Read More
“Creating a relatable narrative means digging deep, asking hard questions and potentially airing some uncomfortable truths.” ― Tobin Trevarthen To understate the obvious, we are in confusing times. One day, we are elated that a vaccine might be approved and distributed. Another day, we rue the escalating caseload and impending new lockdowns. The global investment markets are...Read More
“The real hero is always a hero by mistake; he dreams of being an honest coward like everybody else.” —Umberto Eco False Heroes Just a note: We have been quiet for the past two months not because we lacked things to say but because we felt everyone needed a break. We can’t be the only...Read More
“When sorrows come, they come not single spies, but in battalions.” —Claudius, in Hamlet The Quarter in Review The second quarter was almost a mirror image—the same, but in reverse—of the first. March ended with the world shut down, investment markets in disarray, significant layoffs, and people fearing infection. As June ended, the world was...Read More
Over the long term, measured in years, the investment markets mimic the overall economy. We have seen many periods when the two diverged for a short time, sometimes significantly. And, admittedly, the word short is ambiguous. It could mean weeks, months, or, in some contexts, years. The greater a shift in the economy, the longer...Read More
“The essence of intelligence is the ability to predict. To plan ahead, we simulate the world. The optimal action taken minimizes the predicted cost.” -Yann LeCun, artificial intelligence pioneer Earlier this month, Berkshire Hathaway held its annual meeting virtually. Warren Buffett’s statements were as poignant as ever. Most interesting to us were his repeated, “I...Read More
“Let everything happen to you: beauty and terror. Just keep going. No feeling is final.” — Rainer Maria Rilke The Quarter in Review That was not fun. We discussed in our prior quarterly commentary that we thought the party had gone on a bit too long and those remaining were likely to have a bad...Read More
This is the question we are all asking ourselves as the Federal Reserve throws money at Wall Street and the federal government throws money at Main Street. The market’s rise this past week has many hoping it’s a sign that recovery is imminent, and we’ll be getting back to normal soon. A look at the...Read More
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