
“The boiling frog story is a wide spread anecdote describing a frog slowly being boiled alive. The premise is that if a frog is placed in boiling water, it will jump out, but if it is placed in cold water that is slowly heated, it will not perceive the danger and will be cooked to...
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Interviewer: “if you were to be stranded on an island and could have three people join you, who would they be?” (Expecting the answer to include one or more of George Washington, Albert Einstein, Great Grandfather, Barack Obama, Francis Bacon or the Dalai Lama) Lengthy Pause. Interviewee: “two hula dancers and a coconut chef.” As...
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“An approximate answer to the right problem is worth a good deal more than an exact answer to an approximate problem.” — John Tukey   Most financial professionals preach the positives of diversification.  They promote it as much for risk mitigation as they do for obtaining superior returns.  During prior times with more separate economies,...
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The greatest deception men suffer is from their own opinions. –     Leonardo da Vinci What better idea than to bring up the Seven Deadly Sins during the holidays?  In our constant need to Google everything, absorbing as much data as possible, we came across this graphic created by a Jennifer Hagey.  We do not know...
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“Nature, to be commanded, must be obeyed” – Sir Francis Bacon One quote, two stories, and then the point to this newletter. This quote from Sir Francis Bacon sticks in our minds a lot these days. It fits so many situations as we see numerous examples of people putting their intentions before reason. This leads...
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“Half a century of analysis has yet to fully answer why investors place such a large proportion of their funds with active equity managers, given the discouraging evidence on the latter’s ability to add net value” – Rotman International Journal of Pension Management With this being our inaugural newsletter, it seems fitting that we open...
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There comes a time when it is important to step back and take a deeper look at the fundamentals of a company or industry rather than just bask in the glow of its historical stock performance.  For Utilities, now is that time.  With the XLU nearing all time highs, holding near a 4% dividend yield,...
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If your advisor has decided to own individual stocks rather than either mutual funds or ETFs (Exchanged Trade Funds) for your portfolio, I think you need to ask Why?  To justify the fees he is charging is a cynical (and likely truthful) answer. The costs to do it well. Large firms spend large sums of...
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When it comes to investing for the long term, the overriding factor that will determine future investment returns, other than time, is the value of the asset at the time you buy it.  Think back to the early part of this century (the technology bubble).  If you had decided to invest in late 2000 in...
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I have always found it odd that many financial companies and their advisors prominently display on their websites an article on how to select a financial advisor.  Seems just a little biased.  As I read a number of them, it was highly coincidental that the qualities they thought you should want in an advisor were...
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